Visible Dust Extra Strength 1.6x Sensor Cleaning Swab Kit

V17741820 713179288901


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Most current sensor technology utilizes water repellent hydrophobic coating to reduce stain mark. Vdust Plus is an excellent alcohol based cleaning solution with fast evaporating quality ideal for removal of water stain, compatible with hydrophobic sensor coating. However, alcohol has poor cleaning quality for most common type of stains such as heavy lubricant and tough organic materials. In the other hand, Smear Away is the most powerful cleaning solution to remove and dissolve even the toughest stains from the sensor surface.

Since it is water based slight over saturation of the swab creates streaks due to the hydrophobic nature of sensor coating. With dual power, if any streaks appears due to Smear Away, either reduce over-saturation of the swab by using less liquid, allow more evaporation time or simply use Vdust Plus with a new swab to remove water streaks.

Since simple visual inspection can not determine the nature of stain light or heavy, first start with either liquid, if stain is removed, Stop. Otherwise switch liquid, use a new swab proceed with cleaning. Do not add two liquids on the same swab. Use each liquid with separate swab. Always swab in the same direction.

Smear Away strong anti fog capability, very strong anti static capability, removes smear on first swipe, anti scratch components prevents contaminants from scratching the sensor while cleaning, very strong oil and lubricant remover, removes the toughest stain, non flammable, non alcoholic, pollen remover, best used with Ultra MXD-100 green Vswab.

VDust Plus multi ingradient, Iso alcoholic solution, removes oil fast, evaporates fast, streak free motion compatible with both DHAP orange and Ultra MXD-100 green Vswab.

Green MXD-100 Vswab patented V shape results best maneuverability inside chamber, V shape results in homogeneous motion, it cleans corner the best due to its V shape, compatible with all three solutions, multi fabric ensures best results for oil and smear removal, its soft texture is safe on coated sensor, best used for fluorine coated sensor, streak free motion.

  • Green Vswabs size specific (5 per pack)
  • Liquid cleaner Smear Away (1.15 ml)
  • Liquid cleaner VDust Plus (1.15 ml)

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